kamo no chomei " hojoki " (an account of my hut ) 鴨長明 - 方丈記
it is partly believed to have been based on ' hojo-ki ' (an account of my hut or the ten foot square hut ) which was authored by kamo no chomei . ※鴨長明の「方丈記」を祖とする説もある
it was compiled and written by chomei kamo (1155-1216 ) who is known as the author of " hojoki " (an account of my hut ) in his later years . 『方丈記』の作者として知られる鴨長明(1155-1216)晩年の編著。
the title of the book " hojoki " (an account of my hut ), by kamo no chomei , originates from the fact that he had written it at a hojo hermitage . 鴨長明の『方丈記』は、方丈の庵で書かれたことによる題名である。
there are such works as the " hojoki " (an account of my hut ) by kamo no chomei and the " tsurezure gusa " (essays in idleness ) by kenko yoshida . 鴨長明の『方丈記』、吉田兼好の『徒然草』などがこれにあたる。
hut: hut n. 小屋, 掘っ建て小屋; 〔軍事〕 仮兵舎. 【動詞+】 build a hut 小屋を建てる knock up a hut 小屋を急ごしらえする put together a rough hut 粗末な小屋を組み立てる rent a hut 小屋を貸す. 【形容詞 名詞+】 an abandoned hut my: my マイ 我 我が 吾が わが my!: my! おや my-: {連結} : myo-の異形{いけい}◆母音の前で abandoned hut: 人の住まなくなった小屋{こや} He has hidden the equipment in an abandoned hut. adobe hut: アドービレンガ造りの小屋{こや} alpine hut: 山小屋{やまごや} bamboo hut: 竹造りの小屋{こや} beach hut: beach hut 海の家 うみのいえ build a hut: 小屋を建てる circus hut: サーカス小屋{こや} dilapidated hut: ぼろ小屋{こや} driver's hut: 運転室{うんてん しつ} dung hut: 牛糞{ぎゅうふん}の小屋{こや} flimsy hut: 吹けば飛びそうな小屋