account of my hut 意味

  • 《An ~》方丈記{ほうじょうき}


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. kamo no chomei " hojoki " (an account of my hut )
    鴨長明 - 方丈記
  2. it is partly believed to have been based on ' hojo-ki ' (an account of my hut or the ten foot square hut ) which was authored by kamo no chomei .
  3. it was compiled and written by chomei kamo (1155-1216 ) who is known as the author of " hojoki " (an account of my hut ) in his later years .
  4. the title of the book " hojoki " (an account of my hut ), by kamo no chomei , originates from the fact that he had written it at a hojo hermitage .
  5. there are such works as the " hojoki " (an account of my hut ) by kamo no chomei and the " tsurezure gusa " (essays in idleness ) by kenko yoshida .


        hut:     hut n. 小屋, 掘っ建て小屋; 〔軍事〕 仮兵舎. 【動詞+】 build a hut 小屋を建てる knock up a hut 小屋を急ごしらえする put together a rough hut 粗末な小屋を組み立てる rent a hut 小屋を貸す. 【形容詞 名詞+】 an abandoned hut
        my:    my マイ 我 我が 吾が わが
        my!:    my! おや
        my-:    {連結} : myo-の異形{いけい}◆母音の前で
        abandoned hut:    人の住まなくなった小屋{こや} He has hidden the equipment in an abandoned hut.
        adobe hut:    アドービレンガ造りの小屋{こや}
        alpine hut:    山小屋{やまごや}
        bamboo hut:    竹造りの小屋{こや}
        beach hut:    beach hut 海の家 うみのいえ
        build a hut:    小屋を建てる
        circus hut:    サーカス小屋{こや}
        dilapidated hut:    ぼろ小屋{こや}
        driver's hut:    運転室{うんてん しつ}
        dung hut:    牛糞{ぎゅうふん}の小屋{こや}
        flimsy hut:    吹けば飛びそうな小屋


  1. "account of an interview" 意味
  2. "account of articles" 意味
  3. "account of business" 意味
  4. "account of credit sales" 意味
  5. "account of debt" 意味
  6. "account of nonresident" 意味
  7. "account of one's adventure" 意味
  8. "account of one's life" 意味
  9. "account of one's tour" 意味
  10. "account of credit sales" 意味
  11. "account of debt" 意味
  12. "account of nonresident" 意味
  13. "account of one's adventure" 意味

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