account of the pains one has taken 意味

  • 苦心談{くしんだん}



  1. "account of someone's elevation to" 意味
  2. "account of someone's last hours" 意味
  3. "account of someone's travels" 意味
  4. "account of the event as related in the newspaper" 意味
  5. "account of the hardships one has encountered" 意味
  6. "account of the war" 意味
  7. "account of what one hears" 意味
  8. "account officer" 意味
  9. "account one got (heard) from somebody at first hand" 意味
  10. "account of the event as related in the newspaper" 意味
  11. "account of the hardships one has encountered" 意味
  12. "account of the war" 意味
  13. "account of what one hears" 意味

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