accounting amounts 意味

  • 記帳額{きちょう がく}


        as to amounts:    金額の点に関して
        accounting:     accounting n. 報告すること; 会計, 計算, 計算法. 【動詞+】 Sooner or later the administration will have to give an accounting for its conduct. いずれは行政当局はその処置について釈明せざるを得まい give an accounting of medical expe
        amounts contributed by:    ~による寄付金額{きふ きんがく}
        amounts differ:    アマウンツ?ディファー
        amounts in ciphers:    暗号{あんごう}で表した数字{すうじ}、暗号{あんごう}による数字{すうじ}
        amounts in figures:    数字{すうじ}で示した金額{きんがく}
        appreciable amounts of:    大量{たいりょう}の
        differing amounts of:    異なる量の~
        endless amounts of:    果てしない量の
        in amounts satisfactory to:    (人)が納得{なっとく}する数量{すうりょう}[金額{きんがく}]で
        in concentrated amounts:    高濃度{こうのうど}で
        in large amounts:    大量{たいりょう}に
        in limited amounts:    少しずつ
        in minute amounts:    微量{びりょう}な
        in round amounts:    概数{がいすう}で、概算{がいさん}による数として、大ざっぱな数字{すうじ}で Please tell me how many pencils we ordered each month last year, in round numbers [amounts, figures]. 昨年私たちが毎月どれぐらい鉛筆を注文したか、概算で教えてください。 In round numbers [amou


  1. "accounted for by a heritable factor" 意味
  2. "accounted for by the dissatisfaction towards" 意味
  3. "accountee" 意味
  4. "accounting" 意味
  5. "accounting activity" 意味
  6. "accounting and audit" 意味
  7. "accounting and provision division" 意味
  8. "accounting assumptions" 意味
  9. "accounting at current cost" 意味
  10. "accounting" 意味
  11. "accounting activity" 意味
  12. "accounting and audit" 意味
  13. "accounting and provision division" 意味

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