accurate definition 意味

発音を聞く:   accurate definitionの例文
  • 正確{せいかく}な定義{ていぎ}


        accurate:     accurate adj. 正確な. 【副詞】 an absolutely accurate report まったく正確な報告 an astonishingly accurate watch 驚くほど正確な時計 be devastatingly accurate すばらしく正確である What you say is not entirely
        to be accurate:     to be áccurate [文頭?文尾で] 正確に言えば.
        by definition:    by definition 出来上がる できあがる
        definition:     definition n. 定義; 明確さ; (ラジオ テレビなどの)鮮明度. 【動詞+】 With the advent of genetic engineering, definitions of “life" have had to be adjusted. 遺伝子工学の出現とともに?生命?の定義をし直さなくてはならなくなってきている We cannot appl
        in definition:    定義{ていぎ}で
        accurate account:    正確{せいかく}な報告{ほうこく}
        accurate analysis:    綿密{めんみつ}な分析{ぶんせき}、正確{せいかく}な解析{かいせき}
        accurate answer:    正確な答
        accurate appraisal:    正確{せいかく}な判断{はんだん}
        accurate assessment:    正確{せいかく}な見積もり
        accurate at figures:    《be ~》計算{けいさん}が正確{せいかく}だ
        accurate characterization of:    ~の正確{せいかく}な描写{びょうしゃ}
        accurate chronology:    正確{せいかく}な年代順配列{ねんだいじゅん はいれつ}
        accurate clock:    正確{せいかく}な時計{とけい}
        accurate comparison:    精密比較{せいみつ ひかく}


  1. "accurate coverage of the summit" 意味
  2. "accurate cure" 意味
  3. "accurate data" 意味
  4. "accurate data on the subject is not obtainable" 意味
  5. "accurate death toll" 意味
  6. "accurate description" 意味
  7. "accurate determination of blood pressure in one or both arms" 意味
  8. "accurate determination of bp in one or both arms" 意味
  9. "accurate determination of such distances is not currently possible" 意味
  10. "accurate data on the subject is not obtainable" 意味
  11. "accurate death toll" 意味
  12. "accurate description" 意味
  13. "accurate determination of blood pressure in one or both arms" 意味

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