accurate portrayal of 意味

  • ~の正確{せいかく}な描写{びょうしゃ}


        portrayal:     portrayal n. 描写. 【形容詞 名詞+】 an accurate portrayal of… …の正確な描写 be skillful in character portrayal 性格描写が巧みである a collective portrayal of a group ある集団を 1 つにまとめた描写 a compassionat
        accurate:     accurate adj. 正確な. 【副詞】 an absolutely accurate report まったく正確な報告 an astonishingly accurate watch 驚くほど正確な時計 be devastatingly accurate すばらしく正確である What you say is not entirely
        to be accurate:     to be áccurate [文頭?文尾で] 正確に言えば.
        chilling portrayal of:    ~という役[役柄{やくがら}]でのゾッとするような演技{えんぎ}
        compassionate portrayal:    同情{どうじょう}を込めた描写{びょうしゃ}
        precise portrayal:    正確{せいかく}な描写{びょうしゃ}
        realistic portrayal:    リアル[現実的{げんじつ てき}]な描写{びょうしゃ}
        screen portrayal:    スクリーンでの役柄{やくがら}
        sensitive portrayal:    繊細{せんさい}な記述{きじゅつ}
        sexist portrayal:    性差別的{せい さべつてき}な描写{びょうしゃ}[記述{きじゅつ}?説明{せつめい}]
        government's portrayal of the state of the economy:    政府{せいふ}の景気判断{けいき はんだん}
        low key portrayal:    
        low-key portrayal:    控えめな描写{びょうしゃ}
        too explicit in portrayal of sex:    《be ~》性描写{せい びょうしゃ}があまりにも露骨{ろこつ}である
        gain international stardom for one's portrayal of:    ~の役で国際{こくさい}スターの座を得る


  1. "accurate mind" 意味
  2. "accurate numerical solution" 意味
  3. "accurate observation" 意味
  4. "accurate observer" 意味
  5. "accurate portrait" 意味
  6. "accurate production" 意味
  7. "accurate prognosis" 意味
  8. "accurate quotation" 意味
  9. "accurate quote" 意味
  10. "accurate observer" 意味
  11. "accurate portrait" 意味
  12. "accurate production" 意味
  13. "accurate prognosis" 意味

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