accused of stealing money from 意味

  • 《be ~》~から金を盗んだ罪で告訴{こくそ}される[訴えられる]


        detect someone stealing money:    (人)がお金を盗むのを見つける[発見する]
        accused of misappropriating money entrusted to:    《be ~》業務上横領容疑{ぎょうむじょう おうりょう ようぎ}で(人)が告訴{こくそ}されている
        arrested on charges of stealing public money:    《be ~》公的資金{こうてき しきん}を盗んだ罪で逮捕{たいほ}される
        stealing:     stealing n. 盗むこと, 窃盗. 【動詞+】 When did you begin stealing? いつから盗みをするようになったのか He was unable to stop the stealing in his store. 彼は, 自分の店で行なわれている盗みを止めることができなかった He is unable to stop st
        stealing (into):    stealing (into) 忍び しのび
        accused:     accused n. 被告人(たち). 【動詞+】 The accused was acquitted . 被告人は無罪を言い渡された Both of the accused were convicted of perjury. 被告人は共に偽証罪を宣告された defend the accused 被告人を弁護する The accused w
        accused in:    《be ~》~で告訴されている
        accused of:    《be ~》~で告訴されている、~を非難{ひなん}される、~のそしりを受ける He was accused of molesting a child. They are accused of murder and conspiracy. Again, the U.S. is being accused of double standards.
        the accused:    the accused 刑事被告 けいじひこく 刑事被告人 けいじひこくにん 被告 ひこく
        to be accused of:    to be accused of 罪を着る つみをきる
        beg money from passers-by:    通行人{つうこうにん}に金をたかる
        borrow money from:    ~から金を借りる、~に借金する Employees may not borrow money from clients. 《就業規則》従業員は顧客に借金をしてはならない。 If you want to borrow money from me, go away. 金の話なら帰ってくれ。
        borrow money from a bank:    銀行{ぎんこう}から金[資金{しきん}]を借りる
        borrow money from abroad:    外国{がいこく}から金を借りる
        borrow some money from:    ~から金をいくらか借りる


  1. "accused of perjury" 意味
  2. "accused of possessing drugs" 意味
  3. "accused of possessing illegal weapons" 意味
  4. "accused of professional negligence for allowing the use of unheated blood coagulum tainted with hiv for hemophiliac patients" 意味
  5. "accused of professional negligence resulting in death by improper use of medical equipment" 意味
  6. "accused of taking a bribe" 意味
  7. "accused of taking classified corporate secrets" 意味
  8. "accused of taking part in a cover-up" 意味
  9. "accused of tempting someone to defect" 意味
  10. "accused of professional negligence for allowing the use of unheated blood coagulum tainted with hiv for hemophiliac patients" 意味
  11. "accused of professional negligence resulting in death by improper use of medical equipment" 意味
  12. "accused of taking a bribe" 意味
  13. "accused of taking classified corporate secrets" 意味

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