accused of tempting someone to defect 意味

  • 《be ~》(人)に亡命{ぼうめい}を唆{そそのか}したとして訴えられる


        it may be tempting for someone to:    (人)は~したいと思うかもしれない
        tempting:    {形} : 誘惑{ゆうわく}する、魅力的{みりょくてき}な、誘惑的{ゆうわくてき}な、うっとりさせる、心をそそる、唆{そそのか}す It's a tempting offer, but I still have to decline it. それは魅力的な申し出だが、私はやはり断らざるを得ない。 -------------------------------------------------
        accused by someone of not playing fair:    《be ~》(人)からやり方が汚ないと責められる
        ask someone to testify for the accused:    (人)に被告{ひこく}のために有利{ゆうり}な証言{しょうげん}をするように依頼{いらい}する
        accused:     accused n. 被告人(たち). 【動詞+】 The accused was acquitted . 被告人は無罪を言い渡された Both of the accused were convicted of perjury. 被告人は共に偽証罪を宣告された defend the accused 被告人を弁護する The accused w
        accused in:    《be ~》~で告訴されている
        accused of:    《be ~》~で告訴されている、~を非難{ひなん}される、~のそしりを受ける He was accused of molesting a child. They are accused of murder and conspiracy. Again, the U.S. is being accused of double standards.
        the accused:    the accused 刑事被告 けいじひこく 刑事被告人 けいじひこくにん 被告 ひこく
        to be accused of:    to be accused of 罪を着る つみをきる
        in a tempting way:    気を引くやり方で
        tempting candy:    おいしそうなキャンデー
        tempting dainty:    いかにもうまそうなもの
        tempting dessert:    思わず心がそそられるデザート
        tempting devil:    誘惑的{ゆうわくてき}な悪魔{あくま}
        tempting dish:    食欲{しょくよく}をそそる料理{りょうり}


  1. "accused of professional negligence resulting in death by improper use of medical equipment" 意味
  2. "accused of stealing money from" 意味
  3. "accused of taking a bribe" 意味
  4. "accused of taking classified corporate secrets" 意味
  5. "accused of taking part in a cover-up" 意味
  6. "accused of the tokyo subway attack" 意味
  7. "accused of trespassing" 意味
  8. "accused of war crimes" 意味
  9. "accused person" 意味
  10. "accused of taking classified corporate secrets" 意味
  11. "accused of taking part in a cover-up" 意味
  12. "accused of the tokyo subway attack" 意味
  13. "accused of trespassing" 意味

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