- 貿易{ぼうえき}?投資{とうし}の自由化{じゆうか}および円滑化{えんかつ か}を実現{じつげん}する
achieve the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment 意味
- "achieve the intended aim of" 意味
- "achieve the intended objective of" 意味
- "achieve the international adjustment necessary for" 意味
- "achieve the internationally agreed goals" 意味
- "achieve the level of comfort the brain seeks" 意味
- "achieve the long-term goal of free and open trade and investment" 意味
- "achieve the long-term objective of the reform of" 意味
- "achieve the maximum benefit from" 意味
- "achieve the maximum of efficiency with the minimum of labor" 意味
- "achieve the internationally agreed goals" 意味
- "achieve the level of comfort the brain seeks" 意味
- "achieve the long-term goal of free and open trade and investment" 意味
- "achieve the long-term objective of the reform of" 意味