may 10: joint assignment changed from acting agent of prime minister to acting prime minister . 5月10日、内閣総理大臣臨時代理から内閣総理大臣臨時に異動兼任。
october 25: he was named acting prime minister as the then-prime minister , kiyotaka kuroda , resigned . 10月25日、内閣総理大臣黒田清隆の辞任に伴い、内閣総理大臣を代行。
december 24: he withdrew from the post of acting prime minister when the aritomo yamagata cabinet took office . 12月24日、山県有朋内閣発足により、内閣総理大臣代行の兼任を解く。
june 2: upon formation of the first katsura cabinet , he resigned from the position of acting prime minister and acting minister of finance . 6月2日、第1次桂内閣組閣により、内閣総理大臣臨時・大蔵大臣臨時を辞す。
in 1889 , he served as acting prime minister (while serving as lord keeper of the privy seal ) for two months after kiyotaka kuroda resigned as prime minister . 明治22年(1889年)には、黒田清隆総理の単独辞任をうけて内閣総理大臣を二ヵ月間代行(内大臣兼任)した。