- 民間活力{みんかん かつりょく}を積極的{せっきょくてき}に活用{かつよう}する
actively utilize the ability of the private sector 意味
- "actively undertake summit diplomacy" 意味
- "actively undertake various operations" 意味
- "actively use science and technology" 意味
- "actively use the information provided by" 意味
- "actively utilize corporate reconstruction funds" 意味
- "actively utilize the function of" 意味
- "actively utilize the guarantee system of" 意味
- "actively utilize the resources of" 意味
- "actively welcome large numbers of able foreigners" 意味
- "actively use the information provided by" 意味
- "actively utilize corporate reconstruction funds" 意味
- "actively utilize the function of" 意味
- "actively utilize the guarantee system of" 意味