actively utilize the guarantee system of 意味

  • ~の保証制度{ほしょう せいど}を積極的{せっきょくてき}に活用{かつよう}する



  1. "actively use science and technology" 意味
  2. "actively use the information provided by" 意味
  3. "actively utilize corporate reconstruction funds" 意味
  4. "actively utilize the ability of the private sector" 意味
  5. "actively utilize the function of" 意味
  6. "actively utilize the resources of" 意味
  7. "actively welcome large numbers of able foreigners" 意味
  8. "actively work for resolution of a number of issues such as" 意味
  9. "actively work for the convening of" 意味
  10. "actively utilize the ability of the private sector" 意味
  11. "actively utilize the function of" 意味
  12. "actively utilize the resources of" 意味
  13. "actively welcome large numbers of able foreigners" 意味

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