actual policies 意味

  • 実際{じっさい}の政策{せいさく}


  1. as further research was done after world war ii , it became apparent that the eras were overrated by people in the literary nobility in the middle and lower classes who were potentially frustrated at the system of rule at the time , and the actual policies of that time were merely an extension of the ones by the emperor uda era and under insei (rule by the retired emperor ) of consecutive reign by retired emperor uda .


        appropriately reflected in actual policies:    《be ~》実際{じっさい}の政策{せいさく}に適切{てきせつ}な形で反映{はんえい}される
        analyze the policies and actual conditions in individual countries:    各国{かっこく}の政策{せいさく}や実情{じつじょう}を分析{ぶんせき}する
        policies:    {1-名} : 方針{ほうしん}、政策{せいさく}、保険証書{ほけん しょうしょ}、考え方{かんがえかた}、規定{きてい}、方策{ほうさく}、手段{しゅだん}、やり方、政略{せいりゃく}、知略{ちりゃく}、機略{きりゃく} Let's take the policy. その線でいこう。 That's a wise policy. それは賢いやり方ですね。 Do you understand t
        actual:    actual 実勢 じっせい アクチュアル
        advance policies with:    ~の政策{せいさく}を進める[推進{すいしん}する]
        affect the policies of:    ~の政策{せいさく}に影響{えいきょう}を与える
        aids policies:    エイズ政策{せいさく}
        aims and policies:    目標{もくひょう}と方針{ほうしん}
        antidiesel policies:    ディーゼル車対策{しゃ たいさく}
        as a part of policies to:    ~する政策{せいさく}[方針{ほうしん}]の一環{いっかん}として
        belated policies:    時代遅れの政策{せいさく}
        consequence of the policies of:    ~の政策{せいさく}の結果{けっか}
        criticism of policies:    政策批判{せいさく ひはん}
        feedback into policies:    政策{せいさく}へのフィードバック
        government's policies:    政府{せいふ}の諸政策{しょ せいさく}


  1. "actual period for campaigning" 意味
  2. "actual person" 意味
  3. "actual phenomenon" 意味
  4. "actual pitch" 意味
  5. "actual place" 意味
  6. "actual population" 意味
  7. "actual position" 意味
  8. "actual possession" 意味
  9. "actual power" 意味
  10. "actual pitch" 意味
  11. "actual place" 意味
  12. "actual population" 意味
  13. "actual position" 意味

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