addressed to the attention of 意味

  • ~気付で


        addressed to:    addressed to 宛 宛て あて
        attention:    attention n. (1) 注意, 注目; 配慮, 処理; 世話, 手当; 気をつけの姿勢. 【動詞+】 The election has absorbed public attention for months. 選挙は数か月の間世の人々の注意を奪った Special attention was accorded by the press to Prince Ch
        attention on:    ~への注意{ちゅうい}、~への配慮{はいりょ}
        for attention of:    (人)宛て◆【略】FAO
        to the attention of:    ~あて Please send future inquiries regarding employment to the attention of the Personnel Department. 今後求人についてのお問い合わせは人事部あてにお送り下さいますようお願い致します。
        with attention:    慇懃に、注意して
        addressed under:    《be ~》~に記載{きさい}されている(のでそちらを参照{さんしょう}すること)
        complaint addressed to:    ~宛ての訴状{そじょう}
        effectively addressed:    《be ~》効果的{こうかてき}に対処{たいしょ}される
        letter addressed to:    ~宛の手紙{てがみ}
        matrix addressed:    マトリクス?アドレス型
        person addressed:    話し掛けられている人
        pre addressed:    {形} :
        pre-addressed:    {形} : あらかじめあて名書きされた
        self addressed:    {形} :


  1. "addressed in various international fora as a matter of priority" 意味
  2. "addressed on a global scale" 意味
  3. "addressed sequential access" 意味
  4. "addressed through a comprehensive approach" 意味
  5. "addressed to" 意味
  6. "addressed under" 意味
  7. "addressed within the context of studies on" 意味
  8. "addressee" 意味
  9. "addressee unknown" 意味
  10. "addressed through a comprehensive approach" 意味
  11. "addressed to" 意味
  12. "addressed under" 意味
  13. "addressed within the context of studies on" 意味

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