the office organization of the administrative bureau was remodeled . 本部事務組織を改組。
the former administrative bureau ' s office of the forest station attached to the faculty of agriculture : it was built in a .d .1931 (showa 6 ). 農学部附属演習林旧本部事務室:1931年(昭和6年)建築。
in november , 2005 , the university ' s administrative bureau was divided into the administrative council , and the education and research council . 2005年11月 事務本部を経営企画本部と教育研究推進本部に分割、改組。
this design had been used since around 1950s as the " seal of the administrative bureau " on printed materials and others , and in 1990 , it was officially adopted as the university ' s emblem . もともとは1950年ごろから「事務局シール」として印刷物などに用いられていたもので、1990年に正式にエンブレムとして了承された。