- 《be ~》大学{だいがく}への仮入学{かり にゅうがく}を許可{きょか}される
admitted to college on probation 意味
- "admitted to a mental ward" 意味
- "admitted to a private university in osaka" 意味
- "admitted to a school" 意味
- "admitted to a school to fill up a vacancy" 意味
- "admitted to an intensive care unit" 意味
- "admitted to hospital with a skull fracture" 意味
- "admitted to practice as a solicitor" 意味
- "admitted to the bar" 意味
- "admitted to the patent attorney" 意味
- "admitted to a school to fill up a vacancy" 意味
- "admitted to an intensive care unit" 意味
- "admitted to hospital with a skull fracture" 意味
- "admitted to practice as a solicitor" 意味