- 《be ~》呼吸困難{こきゅう こんなん}を訴えて[理由{りゆう}に]入院{にゅういん}する
admitted with complaints of dyspnea 意味
- "admitted to the patent attorney" 意味
- "admitted to the presence" 意味
- "admitted to the priesthood" 意味
- "admitted to the royal presence" 意味
- "admitted to the wto" 意味
- "admittedly" 意味
- "admittedly severe punishment, but" 意味
- "admitting" 意味
- "admitting diagnosis" 意味
- "admitted to the royal presence" 意味
- "admitted to the wto" 意味
- "admittedly" 意味
- "admittedly severe punishment, but" 意味