advance guard 意味

発音を聞く:   advance guardの例文
  • advance guard


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. the second squad led the advance guard on a different route from that of yukinaga konishi ' s first squad .
  2. first , the advance guard made attacks from both banks of the kuma-gawa river , the kuma-gawa-do road along the north bank and the sashiki-do road along the south bank .
  3. using shigeyoshi taguchi as an advance guard , shigehira broke through the defenses built up on the hannya slope by the monks residing in the zendo to protect hannya-ji temple , and won a crushing victory by setting fire to nanto .
  4. in the keicho war of 1597 , kiyomasa again led the advance guard on a different route from that of yukinaga konishi and after he attacked the hwangsoksan castle and forced it to surrender , he occupied chonju , the capital of jeolla province .
  5. subsequently , those members of the amago remnant corps fought in the battle of sekigahara as the advance guard of the eastern forces , and were incorporated under the domain system deployed by the tokugawa shogunate; their descendants maintained this status through to the final days of the tokugawa shogunate .


        advance guard action:    前衛戦闘{ぜんえい せんとう}
        advance guard fighting:    
        advance guard point:    路上斥候{ろじょう せっこう}
        advance guard reserve:    前衛本隊{ぜんえい ほんたい}
        advance guard support:    尖兵中隊{せんぺい ちゅうたい}
        advance-guard fighting:    前衛戦{ぜんえい せん}
        advance-guard point:    advance-guard point 尖兵 せんぺい
        guard:     1guard n. 監視, 見張り, 守衛, 番兵, 〔軍事〕 歩哨, 衛兵; 《英》 近衛連隊; 《英》 車掌; 予防薬, 防止剤, 防止器具; 〔フェンシング ボクシング〕 (受けの)構え. 【動詞+】 call out the guard 見張りを大声で呼ぶ change (the) guard 番兵の交替をする double the guard
        on guard:    見張って、用心{ようじん}して、当番{とうばん}で Two or three men are always on guard in front of the gate. いつも2~3人の男たちが門の前で番をしている。 Let us be on guard against smoking too much because it could cause health damage. 健康を損なう恐
        to guard:    to guard 守る まもる
        advance:    1advance n. (1) 前進, 行進; 進歩; 昇進; 事前に行なうこと. 【動詞+】 Research has accelerated these advances. 研究のおかげでこれらの進行が早められている Snow has checked the army's advance. 雪が軍隊の前進をはばんでいる encourage the adv
        advance on:    ~に押し寄せる、迫る、向かって前進する
        advance to:    出塁する、進塁する、前進する、~へ勝ち進む、~まで進む
        in advance:    in advance 予め あらかじめ 前もって 前以て まえもって 事前 じぜん
        in advance of:    (時間的{じかん てき}?位置的{いち てき}に)~より前[先]に


  1. "advance funding method" 意味
  2. "advance furiously" 意味
  3. "advance gradually" 意味
  4. "advance group" 意味
  5. "advance growth" 意味
  6. "advance guard action" 意味
  7. "advance guard fighting" 意味
  8. "advance guard point" 意味
  9. "advance guard reserve" 意味
  10. "advance group" 意味
  11. "advance growth" 意味
  12. "advance guard action" 意味
  13. "advance guard fighting" 意味

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