advance the universal principles of liberal democracy 意味

  • 自由民主主義{じゆう みんしゅ しゅぎ}という普遍的{ふへん てき}な原理{げんり}を広める



  1. "advance the state-of-the-art in technologies" 意味
  2. "advance the status of women" 意味
  3. "advance the theory of" 意味
  4. "advance the theory that" 意味
  5. "advance the time of the meeting from 3 o'clock to 1 o'clock" 意味
  6. "advance the worker wages on behalf of the company" 意味
  7. "advance theory" 意味
  8. "advance through specialization and subdivision" 意味
  9. "advance through the bushes" 意味
  10. "advance the theory that" 意味
  11. "advance the time of the meeting from 3 o'clock to 1 o'clock" 意味
  12. "advance the worker wages on behalf of the company" 意味
  13. "advance theory" 意味

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