advertising campaign 意味

発音を聞く:   advertising campaignの例文
  • 広告{こうこく}キャンペーン、宣伝活動{せんでん かつどう}、大宣伝


  1. they said , can we do an advertising campaign ?
  2. i did an advertising campaign for schweppes , which is cocacola
  3. there has been an advertising campaign to promote the consumption of eel on the ox days other than the summer one , which has been carried out mainly by eel mariculturists .
  4. at the beginning the game looked like a mere go lesson , but the yomiuri shimbun ' s advertising campaign gradually turned the game to being viewed with political overtone such as japan versus china or old authority versus new force , making the competition heating up .


        campaign advertising:    キャンペーン広告{こうこく}
        begin an advertising campaign:    宣伝活動{せんでん かつどう}を始める
        conduct an advertising campaign:    宣伝{せんでん}キャンペーンを行う
        extensive advertising campaign:    大々的{だいだい てき}な宣伝{せんでん}、非常{ひじょう}に強力{きょうりょく}な広告{こうこく}キャンペーン
        have a powerful advertising campaign:    派手{はで}な宣伝活動{せんでん かつどう}をする
        inaugurate an advertising campaign:    宣伝活動{せんでん かつどう}を始める◆堅い表現{ひょうげん}
        initiate an advertising campaign:    宣伝活動{せんでん かつどう}を始める◆堅い表現{ひょうげん}
        stick with brand advertising campaign:    ブランド広告{こうこく}キャンペーンをやり抜く
        advertising campaign via e-mail:    E[電子{でんし}]メール広告{こうこく}キャンペーン
        key target audiences of the advertising campaign:    宣伝活動{せんでん かつどう}の中心的{ちゅうしんてき}な対象{たいしょう}
        model featured in an advertising campaign (from campaign girl):    model featured in an advertising campaign (from campaign girl) キャンギャル
        launch an advertising campaign to raise awareness of:    ~の認知度{にんち ど}を高めるための広告{こうこく}キャンペーンを行う[展開{てんかい}する?開始{かいし}する]
        advertising:     advertising n. 広告, 宣伝(活動); 広告業. 【動詞+】 This law banned the advertising of cigarettes. この法律がたばこの宣伝活動を禁止した broaden one's advertising (より広い層の人々にアピールするため)宣伝活動を多様化する They buy a lot of a
        in advertising:    広告業界で He's in advertising. 彼は広告業界の人です。/彼の仕事は広告業です。
        campaign:     1campaign n. 戦役; 運動, キャンペーン. 【動詞+】 The organization is backing his campaign for the presidency. その組織は彼の大統領選の運動を支援している begin a campaign against… …の反対運動を始める broaden a campaign 運動を


  1. "advertising budget" 意味
  2. "advertising business" 意味
  3. "advertising by direct mail" 意味
  4. "advertising by medical institutions" 意味
  5. "advertising calendar" 意味
  6. "advertising campaign via e-mail" 意味
  7. "advertising cant" 意味
  8. "advertising canvasser" 意味
  9. "advertising card" 意味
  10. "advertising by medical institutions" 意味
  11. "advertising calendar" 意味
  12. "advertising campaign via e-mail" 意味
  13. "advertising cant" 意味

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