affectation 意味

発音を聞く   affectationの例文


  1. cosmetically human affectation should be eliminated wherever possible .
    表面的な人間っぽさに 捕らわれてはいけない
  2. it's just maybe an affectation . i probably picked it up from you .
    ただの見せかけだったの 多分あなたから拾い出したんだと思う
  3. now whether you look at this and think , oh , that's a charming urban affectation
    皆さんは これを見て 「素敵で都会的なものだな」と思うかもしれないし
  4. meitei eloquently lectured on the art of soba eating and swallowed soba with a condiment of hot wasabi , tears his eyes , adhering to his idea of stylishness which seemed a bit like snobbish affectation , but compared with meitei ' s being a passionate stickler about soba , the impression of udon , with the dyspeptic kushami sensei being the ' udon lover ,' seems relatively unexciting .
  5. at first the word was used to mean affectation , impudence and so on like calling hikara an affected manner of dividing or cutting hair , or abusing too long hisashigami as haikara , but as mr . komatsu predicted , the word has widened its meaning including a fashionable person or being up-to-date and it has become a popular word both in the upper social class and in the lower social class .



  1. "affect tumor growth" 意味
  2. "affect various parts of" 意味
  3. "affect virtually every person on the planet" 意味
  4. "affect with sporadic blackouts" 意味
  5. "affect workers in all areas of the company" 意味
  6. "affectation of innocence" 意味
  7. "affectation of kindness" 意味
  8. "affectation of sincerity" 意味
  9. "affected" 意味
  10. "affect with sporadic blackouts" 意味
  11. "affect workers in all areas of the company" 意味
  12. "affectation of innocence" 意味
  13. "affectation of kindness" 意味

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