- affirmative n. 肯定, 是認.【動詞+】+もっと...
affirmative 意味
発音記号: [ ə'fə:mətiv ]発音を聞く affirmativeの例文
もっと例文: 次へ>- and might never interact in a positive affirmative way
恐らく別の州や別の人種の人たちと - that's affirmative , jack . he made it . he's gonna be ok .
もちろんだ よくやった - affirmative . twostory building , four ground entrances .
はい 2階建て 入り口は4つ - i am expecting your reply to be in the affirmative !
よいお返事 期待してますわ! - affirmative action , which is kind of a political question
- "affirmation" 意味
- "affirmation of diversity among" 意味
- "affirmation of fact" 意味
- "affirmation of faith" 意味
- "affirmation of the central role of the un" 意味
- "affirmative acknowledge" 意味
- "affirmative action" 意味
- "affirmative action employer" 意味
- "affirmative action plan" 意味
- "affirmation of faith" 意味
- "affirmation of the central role of the un" 意味
- "affirmative acknowledge" 意味
- "affirmative action" 意味