akutagawa award nominee writer , inui akitasan's 俺達の代わりに
this episode's obsessed person was 5 times nominee for akutagawa award ・渋井巧くんを誘拐した者です
in 1997 , it sponsored the ' kyoto university press literary prize for new writers award ' and awarded manichi yoshimura ' s " afternoon at the government-managed giant bathhouse " (yoshimura received akutagawa award six years later ). 1997年には「京都大学新聞社新人文学賞」を主催、吉村萬壱(6年後に芥川賞受賞)の『国営巨大浴場の午後』が受賞した。
masanobu wakasa (class of 1972 , linguistics ): he started to write novels for dojinshi (publications aimed at a particular hobby group ) when he was a student , and his novel ' kayanokimatsuri ,' which was written under his pen name shuzo taki , won the akutagawa award in 1977 . 若狭雅信(1972年卒・言語) 在学中に同人誌で創作活動を始め、1977年に高城修三の筆名による「榧の木祭り」で芥川賞を受賞。