ala of sacrum 意味

  • 仙骨翼{せんこつよく}


        sacrum:    sacrum 薦骨 せんこつ
        the sacrum:    the sacrum 仙骨 せんこつ
        ala:     ALA {略-1} : Alliance for Labor Action 《米》労働行動同盟 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {略-2} : American Library Association 米国図書館協会 -----------
        ala.:     Ala. {略-1} : Alabama ; 'Bma アラバマ州◆米国南部の州。西はミシシッピー州。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {略-2} : Alaska アラスカ州◆米国 ALA {略-1} : Alliance fo
        apex of sacrum:    仙骨尖{せんこつせん}
        assimilation sacrum:    assimilation sacrum 異数仙骨[医生]
        base of sacrum:    仙骨底{せんこつ てい}
        body of sacrum:    仙骨体{せんこつ たい}
        os sacrum:    仙骨{せんこつ}
        promontory of the sacrum:    仙骨岬骨{せんこつ こうこつ}
        sacrum bone:    仙骨{せんこつ}
        sacrum spine:    仙骨{せんこつ}、仙椎{せんつい}
        wing of sacrum:    仙骨翼{せんこつよく}
        ala auris:    耳翼{じよく}
        ala cerebelli:    ala cerebelli 小脳翼[医生]


  1. "ala minor ossis sphenoidalis" 意味
  2. "ala moana shopping center" 意味
  3. "ala nasi" 意味
  4. "ala of a bone" 意味
  5. "ala of nose" 意味
  6. "ala of the ilium" 意味
  7. "ala of the nose" 意味
  8. "ala of the vomer" 意味
  9. "ala ossis ilii" 意味
  10. "ala of a bone" 意味
  11. "ala of nose" 意味
  12. "ala of the ilium" 意味
  13. "ala of the nose" 意味

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