alif 意味

発音を聞く   alifの例文
  • {名} : アリフ


  1. calochortus albus and umbellularia californica .
    calochortus albus calochortus albus and umbellularia californica umbellularia californica
  2. calochortus albus and umbellularia californica .
    calochortus albus calochortus albus and umbellularia californica umbellularia californica
  3. until then , the record was 40 skips made by kurt steiner at " pennsylvania qualifying stone skipping tournament " on september 14 , 2002 .
    それ以前の記録は、2002年9月14日にカート・スタイナー(Kurt Steiner)が "Pennsylvania Qualifying Stone Skipping Tournament" で記録した40段であった。



  1. "aliens must get working papers before a reputable employer will hire them" 意味
  2. "aliens register with the immigration authorities on entering the country" 意味
  3. "aliens registration office" 意味
  4. "aliens' school law" 意味
  5. "aliesterase" 意味
  6. "aliform" 意味
  7. "alifurane" 意味
  8. "aligarh" 意味
  9. "alighieri, dante" 意味
  10. "aliens' school law" 意味
  11. "aliesterase" 意味
  12. "aliform" 意味
  13. "alifurane" 意味

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