during these procedures , other archers alight from their horses . この間、一同の射手は下馬する。
to visit the imperial court , needless to say , people had to dismount their horses or alight from their palanquins at miyamon gate (a court gate ), which manner was followed by visitors to shrines and temples . 訪問においては、参朝はいうまでもなく、宮門で下乗、下馬をさせ、寺社もまたそれに準じた。
in august , 1869 , kyobusho (the ministry of religion ) issued an ordinance for jingu shrine and other kankoku heisha (a general term for high-ranked shrines under direct control of the central government ) to designate places to dismount a horse or to alight from a palanquin in their precincts when imperial families would visit there . 明治2年8月、神宮、官国幣社に皇族の参拝のある時、下馬下乗の場所を指定するよう教部省から令されている。
however , there were also exceptions: karo officers of shinpan (whose lords were in the male lineage of the tokugawa shogun family ) and karo officers whose families were karo to fudai daimyo (daimyo who were retainers of the tokugawa family from before the battle of sekigahara ) were given the status of hatamoto of the shogun family for generations , being entitled to have an audience with the shogun and to not alight from their horse at checking stations . しかし、例外もあり親藩や、譜代大名の家老連綿の家系の多くには、幕府から、将軍家の旗本の格式を与えられ、将軍に謁見の資格を持ち、関所で下馬することを免除された。