ammunition boots 意味

発音を聞く:   ammunition bootsの例文
  • 軍(用)靴


  1. the equipment soldiers had during marching was as follows; ' a woolen coat ' ' a woolen service cap ' ' a winter military uniform of cotton flannel ' ' cotton work gloves ' ' long ammunition boots ' ' long straw boots for snow ' , for soldiers whose ranks were sergeant major or higher , and ' wearing two woolen coats ' ' an ordinary felt service cap ' ' an ordinary military uniform of ogura fabric ' ' cotton work gloves ' ' short ammunition boots ' for noncommissioned officers or lower .
    雪中行軍時、将兵の装備は、特務曹長(准士官)以上が「毛糸の外套1着」「毛糸の軍帽」「ネル生地の冬軍服」「軍手1足」「長脚型軍靴」「長靴型雪沓」、下士兵 (日本軍)が「毛糸の外套2着重ね着」「フェルト地の普通軍帽」「小倉生地の普通軍服」「軍手1足」「短脚型軍靴」であった。
  2. the equipment soldiers had during marching was as follows; ' a woolen coat ' ' a woolen service cap ' ' a winter military uniform of cotton flannel ' ' cotton work gloves ' ' long ammunition boots ' ' long straw boots for snow ' , for soldiers whose ranks were sergeant major or higher , and ' wearing two woolen coats ' ' an ordinary felt service cap ' ' an ordinary military uniform of ogura fabric ' ' cotton work gloves ' ' short ammunition boots ' for noncommissioned officers or lower .
    雪中行軍時、将兵の装備は、特務曹長(准士官)以上が「毛糸の外套1着」「毛糸の軍帽」「ネル生地の冬軍服」「軍手1足」「長脚型軍靴」「長靴型雪沓」、下士兵 (日本軍)が「毛糸の外套2着重ね着」「フェルト地の普通軍帽」「小倉生地の普通軍服」「軍手1足」「短脚型軍靴」であった。


        ammunition:     ammunition n. 弾薬; 攻撃手段. 【動詞+】 issue ammunition 弾薬を支給する provide ammunition for an attack 攻撃に備えて弾薬を供給する; (相手に)攻撃材料を提供する stockpile ammunition 弾薬を備蓄する. 【+動詞】 The ammunition is
        boots:    boots ブーツ
        in boots:    {1} : はやりのブーツ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 《be ~》長靴{ながぐつ}を履いている
        (ammunition) cartridge:    (ammunition) cartridge 薬莢 やっきょう
        aircraft ammunition:    aircraft ammunition 航空用弾薬[航宇]
        ammunition bag:    弾薬{だんやく}のう
        ammunition belt:    弾薬帯{だんやく たい}
        ammunition boat:    弾薬船{だんやく せん}
        ammunition box:    弾薬箱{だんやく ばこ}
        ammunition bunker:    弾薬庫{だんやくこ}
        ammunition cache:    弾薬貯蔵所{だんやく ちょぞうしょ}
        ammunition can:    弾薬箱{だんやく ばこ}
        ammunition carrier:    弾薬車{だんやく しゃ}
        ammunition cartridge:    ammunition cartridge 薬きょう用紙[化学]〈98P0001:紙?板紙及びパルプ用語〉
        ammunition chamber:    弾薬庫{だんやくこ}


  1. "ammoxydation" 意味
  2. "ammunition" 意味
  3. "ammunition bag" 意味
  4. "ammunition belt" 意味
  5. "ammunition boat" 意味
  6. "ammunition box" 意味
  7. "ammunition bunker" 意味
  8. "ammunition cache" 意味
  9. "ammunition can" 意味
  10. "ammunition belt" 意味
  11. "ammunition boat" 意味
  12. "ammunition box" 意味
  13. "ammunition bunker" 意味

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