amount of production 意味

  • amount of production


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. the amount of production throughout japan in 1947 was smaller than the one-tenth of that in 1926 .
  2. however , it took three years from starting production to shipment of tamari soy-sauce , and the amount of production couldn ' t meet the demand .
  3. the production of the meat increased significantly to 138 ,000 tons in 1958 , and the peak amount of production of the meat reached 226 , 000 tons in 1962 .
  4. however , the amount of production of seishu was small in this period and it is thought that it was spread among only limited social classes such as dominant nobility .
  5. the fact that the amount of the ration of rice for sake brewing of each sake brewery was determined meant that the amount of production of sake was also determined in accordance with that of the prewar era .


        (amount of) production:    (amount of) production 産額 さんがく
        (amount of) production or output:    (amount of) production or output 産出高 さんしゅつだか
        amount of mucus production:    粘液{ねんえき}の産生量{さんせいりょう}
        gross production amount:    総生産量{そうせいさん りょう}
        amount:     1amount n. 総計; 数, 量, 額. 【動詞+】 I added the same amount to each plate. それぞれの皿に同じ量を付け加えた Any amount, however small, will be appreciated. どんなに少なくとも金額の多少にかかわらずありがたくお受けします How do they c
        amount to:    {1} : 合計{ごうけい}~になる、総計{そうけい}で~に達する The pass rate of the exam amounted to 51 percent. その試験の合格率は51%にものぼった。 The bill amounts to $__. その請求書の合計金額は_ドルになっている。 -----------------------------------------------
        in amount:    {1} : 総計{そうけい}で、トータルで(in total) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 結局{けっきょく}(のところ)
        no amount of:    最大限{さいだいげん}の~ですら…ない
        not amount:    及ばない
        to amount to:    to amount to 及ぶ およぶ
        to the amount of:    ~だけ、総計~まで
        in production:    《be ~》生産{せいさん}されている、製造{せいぞう}されている、製造中{せいぞうちゅう}である Those shoes are no longer in production. それらの靴はもう製造されていません。
        on production of:    ~の提示があった場合に
        production:     production n. 生産, 生産量; 製作, 産出; 製品, 産物; 結果; 提供; 上演, 演出, (映画などの)製作, 上演; 《口語》 大騒ぎ. 【動詞+】 activate production 生産を活発にする Problems with a big backlog of unsold stock beat down industrial produc
        with the production of:    ~を生じて


  1. "amount of precipitation" 意味
  2. "amount of preparation involved in" 意味
  3. "amount of principal" 意味
  4. "amount of proceeds" 意味
  5. "amount of product" 意味
  6. "amount of punitive damages" 意味
  7. "amount of purchase" 意味
  8. "amount of radiation" 意味
  9. "amount of radiation a star emits" 意味
  10. "amount of proceeds" 意味
  11. "amount of product" 意味
  12. "amount of punitive damages" 意味
  13. "amount of purchase" 意味

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