angle for 意味

発音を聞く:   angle forの例文
  • {句動-1} : (魚)を釣る
    {句動-2} : (細工をしてでもなんとかして)~を得ようとする、~を手に入れようとする
    What? Are you out of cookie and cream? I've been angling for it since last week, and now+もっと...


  1. actually this is a very good angle for you . great nostrils .
    ここからの角度が 一番良いようです
  2. our tech people should be able to ... work some other angle for you .
    うちの技術スタッフが 他の見解を君に話してくれるだろう
  3. according to the analysis , the optimum angle for skipping stones is for the front face to be raised by 10 degrees with respect to the surface of the water .
  4. the stones in the stone wall on the observer ' s right were piled up by the method of original ' gobozumi ' , and stones on the left were newly piled up with the method of ' otoshizumi ' (a method of piling up stone wall , putting rectangular stone on the angle for leaning over on the next stone ).
  5. the fusuma becomes stronger through the processes of pasting papers with changing the quality of paper and shikuchi (an angle for joining ), and gains sound an absorption , an insulation and a humidity regulation effects , bringing a settled japanese style atmosphere with a puffed and soft taste .


        angle:     1angle n. 角(かく), 角度; (写真の)アングル; 見方, 観点, 視点, 立場. 【動詞+】 It is easy to adjust the angle of the lamp. そのランプの角度を調整するのは容易だ Try changing the camera angle. カメラのアングルを変えてみたらどうでしょう calculate
        angle of:    直角{ちょっかく}
        on the angle:    傾いて、斜めに
        angle-side-angle postulate:    (三角形{さんかくけい}の合同条件{ごうどう じょうけん}で)1辺とその両端{りょうたん}の角がそれぞれ等しい場合{ばあい}
        a central angle:    a central angle 中心角 ちゅうしんかく
        acceptance angle:    acceptance angle 受光角[電情]
        acetabular angle:    臼蓋角{きゅうがい かく}
        acromial angle:    肩峰角{けんぽうかく}
        acute angle:    acute angle 鋭角 えいかく
        addendum angle:    addendum angle 歯末角[機械]〈99B0102:歯車用語―幾何学的定義〉
        adjacent angle:    adjacent angle 隣角[化学]; 隣接角[基礎]
        advance angle:    advance angle 進み角
        aileron angle:    aileron angle 補助翼角[航宇]
        alpha angle:    alpha angle アルファ角[医生]
        alternate angle:    《数学》錯角{さっかく}


  1. "angle equation" 意味
  2. "angle error" 意味
  3. "angle expanding type weld cracking test for fillet weld" 意味
  4. "angle flange" 意味
  5. "angle float" 意味
  6. "angle for a fish" 意味
  7. "angle for compliments" 意味
  8. "angle for praise" 意味
  9. "angle for trout" 意味
  10. "angle flange" 意味
  11. "angle float" 意味
  12. "angle for a fish" 意味
  13. "angle for compliments" 意味

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