apex of sacrum 意味

  • 仙骨尖{せんこつせん}


        sacrum:    sacrum 薦骨 せんこつ
        the sacrum:    the sacrum 仙骨 せんこつ
        apex:     apex n. 頂点; 絶頂. 【形容詞 名詞+】 the solar apex 〔天文〕 太陽向点. 【前置詞+】 at the apex of a triangle 三角形の頂点で He was at the apex of his power. 権勢の絶頂にあった. 【+前置詞】 the apex of a cone 円錐形の頂
        at the apex of:    ~の爛熟期に
        ala of sacrum:    仙骨翼{せんこつよく}
        assimilation sacrum:    assimilation sacrum 異数仙骨[医生]
        base of sacrum:    仙骨底{せんこつ てい}
        body of sacrum:    仙骨体{せんこつ たい}
        os sacrum:    仙骨{せんこつ}
        promontory of the sacrum:    仙骨岬骨{せんこつ こうこつ}
        sacrum bone:    仙骨{せんこつ}
        sacrum spine:    仙骨{せんこつ}、仙椎{せんつい}
        wing of sacrum:    仙骨翼{せんこつよく}
        auricular surface of sacrum:    仙骨耳状面{せんこつ じじょうめん}
        dorsal surface of sacrum:    後面{うしろめん}


  1. "apex of petrous portion" 意味
  2. "apex of prosperity" 意味
  3. "apex of prostate" 意味
  4. "apex of root" 意味
  5. "apex of root of tooth" 意味
  6. "apex of shell" 意味
  7. "apex of the bladder" 意味
  8. "apex of the deciduous tooth" 意味
  9. "apex of the left ventricle" 意味
  10. "apex of root" 意味
  11. "apex of root of tooth" 意味
  12. "apex of shell" 意味
  13. "apex of the bladder" 意味

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