appointment by selection 意味

  • 選考任用{せんこう にんよう}


        appointment:    appointment n. (1) 任命; 職; 指定; 特定の仕事に任命された人. 【動詞+】 In spite of my doubts I decided to accept the appointment. いくつか疑念はあったがその任命を受けることにした I am about to announce his appointment as Chancellor
        appointment with:    ~との面会{めんかい}、~に会う約束{やくそく}
        by appointment:    (時?所を)指定して、予約で、約束して、任命によって◆【略】by appt.
        no appointment:    予約{よやく}なし
        in the selection of:    ~の選考過程{せんこう かてい}では、~を選ぶ際には
        selection:     selection n. 選択, 淘汰(とうた); えり抜きの品々. 【動詞+】 Selection is carried out according to the following procedure. 選択は次の手順に従って行なわれる considerations that determine purchase selections 購入の選択を決定する考慮す
        afflictive appointment:    不幸な選択、悲惨な選択、苦痛の選別、不可能な選択◆自分の2人の子どもの内、どちらかを殺せと言われた時のような選択。
        appointment as manager:    マネジャー[支配人{しはいにん}?経営者{けいえいしゃ}]としての地位{ちい} His three-year appointment as manager was not a success.
        appointment book:    スケジュール表
        appointment call:    指名定時通話{しめい ていじ つうわ}
        appointment diary:    ビジネス?ダイアリー
        appointment for the afternoon:    午後{ごご}に会う約束{やくそく}
        appointment letter:    辞令{じれい}、任命状{にんめいじょう}、採用通知{さいよう つうち}
        appointment method:    約束訪問販売
        appointment of a teacher:    教師{きょうし}の任命{にんめい}


  1. "appointment" 意味
  2. "appointment as a reward for backing someone in the election" 意味
  3. "appointment as a reward for someone's support in an election" 意味
  4. "appointment as manager" 意味
  5. "appointment book" 意味
  6. "appointment call" 意味
  7. "appointment cancelled within a 24-hour period" 意味
  8. "appointment diary" 意味
  9. "appointment for the afternoon" 意味
  10. "appointment as manager" 意味
  11. "appointment book" 意味
  12. "appointment call" 意味
  13. "appointment cancelled within a 24-hour period" 意味

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