- argument n. 議論, 論争, 口論; 主張, 立論, 論拠, 論点.【動詞+】
- The argument that smoking is injurious to health is now widely accepted.
- They base their arguments against the death penalty on broad humanitarian principles.
- They will use any sources, however unreliable, to try and bolster their arguments.
自分たちの立論を強化するためなら, どんなに信頼できない資料でも利用するだろう
- The best argument I can make for the policy is that it works.
その政策の正しさを裏づけるもっとも納得のいく論拠は, それが(現に実施されて)うまくいっているということだ
- The glib argument that poverty is a blessing has often been put forward, almost invariably by the rich.
- The Chernobyl disaster started new arguments against nuclear power.
- Let me summarize the arguments for legalization of the contraceptive pill.
【+動詞】- The argument about whether suicide is acceptable has gone on for centuries.
【形容詞 名詞+】- The Prime Minister's basic argument is that she will not be able to raise taxation unless there is an increase in employment.
首相の基本的な論拠は, 雇用が増大しなければ増税するわけにはいかないというものだ
- The fact that so many children have died is a clear argument for outlawing handguns.
- The communist argument that private property is evil is difficult to refute.
- In order to go ahead with the project we will need better arguments for it than that.
- The saving in time and effort is a strong argument in favor of buying a dish washer.
- It's true that many people dislike smoking, but that is a rather tenuous argument for banning it.
多くの人が喫煙を嫌っているのは確かだが, それも喫煙を(法的に)禁止する論拠としてはいささか弱い
【前置詞+】- Accepting for the sake of argument that your facts are correct, it doesn't necessarily mean that cigarettes should be banned.
議論を進めるためにあなたのあげた事実は正しいと認めるが, (だからといって)かならずしもたばこは法的に禁じられるべきだとはならない
【+前置詞】- The main argument between supporters and opponents concerned the number of constituencies.
【+that節】- The argument that poverty is a blessing is largely academic.
- The argument that smoking is injurious to health is now widely accepted.
argument 意味
発音記号: [ 'ɑ:gjumənt ]発音を聞く argumentの例文
もっと例文: 次へ>- and you can get moral argument off the ground , then
道徳的な議論はこうして始まるのです - so the argument i'm making is , is that we're increasing
この議論で私が言いたいのは - i wanted to build an argument for primary education
特殊な環境における初等教育について - and here i think we could say that this is an argument
これを葛藤 自己嫌悪 と呼ぶか - let's say we do it today for the sake of argument
- "arguing face to face" 意味
- "arguing from the practical aspect, a solar heater will reduce your fuel bill" 意味
- "arguing in a circle" 意味
- "arguing on the same wavelength" 意味
- "arguing persistently" 意味
- "argument (e.g., function, program)" 意味
- "argument about the regulation of" 意味
- "argument adjunct" 意味
- "argument against" 意味
- "arguing on the same wavelength" 意味
- "arguing persistently" 意味
- "argument (e.g., function, program)" 意味
- "argument about the regulation of" 意味