arteries of kidney 意味

  • 腎臓{じんぞう}の動脈{どうみゃく}


        arcuate arteries of kidney:    arcuate arteries of kidney 腎弓状動脈[医生]
        interlobar arteries of the kidney:    腎葉間動脈{じん ようかんどうみゃく}
        interlobular arteries of kidney:    腎小葉間動脈{じんしょうようかん どうみゃく}
        arteries:    {名} : 動脈{どうみゃく}、幹線道路{かんせん どうろ} He has large deposits of fat in the main artery to his heart. 彼には、心臓へつながる主動脈の中に大きな脂質の沈着物がある。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        kidney:     kidney n. 腎臓; 《文語》 気質, 種類, 型. 【動詞+】 The disease affects the kidneys. その病気は腎臓を冒す. 【+動詞】 His kidneys don't function properly. 彼の腎臓はちゃんと機能していない Her kidneys are now functioning norma
        arciform arteries:    arciform arteries 腎弓状動脈[医生]
        arteries in the neck:    頸部動脈{けいぶ どうみゃく}
        arteries of penis:    陰茎動脈{いんけい どうみゃく}
        atrial arteries:    心房動脈{しんぼう どうみゃく}
        bronchial arteries:    気管支動脈{きかんし どうみゃく}
        calcaneal arteries:    踵骨動脈{しょうこつ どうみゃく}
        cavernous arteries:    cavernous arteries 海綿静脈洞動脈[医生]
        cerebral arteries:    大脳動脈{だいのう どうみゃく}
        coronary arteries:    冠状動脈{かんじょう どうみゃく}
        esophageal arteries:    食道枝{しょくどうし}


  1. "arteriectopia" 意味
  2. "arteries" 意味
  3. "arteries can harden up on you" 意味
  4. "arteries in the neck" 意味
  5. "arteries leading to the lungs" 意味
  6. "arteries of penis" 意味
  7. "arteries that branch from the carotid artery" 意味
  8. "arteries that carry blood to the brain" 意味
  9. "arteriitis" 意味
  10. "arteries in the neck" 意味
  11. "arteries leading to the lungs" 意味
  12. "arteries of penis" 意味
  13. "arteries that branch from the carotid artery" 意味

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