as following 意味

発音を聞く:   as followingの例文
  • as following


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. but it's not just as simple as following the numbers .
    でも数に従えばいい というものではありません
  2. the primary contents of the signed treaty are as following .
  3. rice malt is classified and considered as following depending on the hazekomi conditions .
  4. besides , he succeeded in modernization such as following the instructions by inviting french engineers .
  5. jinson ' s ' daijoin nikki mokuroku ' (records of major social events from 1065 to 1504 ) says as following:


        following:     following n. 配下, 部下, 支持者, 信奉者; 次にあげるもの. 【動詞+】 He developed a large following. 多くの支持者を取得した gain a large following 多くの配下を獲得する I have only the following to say on the subject. その問題
        the following:    the following 以下 いか 下記 かき
        acquire a following:    ファン[愛好家{あいこう か}?支持者{しじしゃ}]ができる The comic slowly began to acquire a following among juveniles. その漫画は、子どもの間で徐々にファンが増え始めている。 The US people are surprised to know that Sumo wrestlers acquire a following
        any of the following:    次のいずれか
        at the following address:    下記のあて先へ
        at the following locations:    下記の場所で
        benefit by following:    ~に従うことで恩恵{おんけい}を受ける
        combination of the following:    以下{いか}の組み合わせ
        confirm the following:    以下{いか}の事項{じこう}を確認{かくにん}する
        cult following:    流行{りゅうこう}の信奉者{しんぽうしゃ}
        following a proposal by:    (人)の[による]提唱{ていしょう}で
        following a river:    following a river 川伝い かわづたい
        following a siege at:    ~における攻囲{こうい}[包囲{ほうい}]の後に
        following advice:    following advice 聴従 ちょうじゅう
        following blindly:    following blindly 附和雷同 ふわらいどう 雷同 らいどう 付和雷同 ふわらいどう


  1. "as flat as a pancake" 意味
  2. "as flat as yesterday's champagne" 意味
  3. "as flexible as one needs to be" 意味
  4. "as fluid as water" 意味
  5. "as folks say" 意味
  6. "as follows" 意味
  7. "as for" 意味
  8. "as for domestic travels" 意味
  9. "as for drink, he contented himself with the daily indulgence of a liter of wine at table" 意味
  10. "as fluid as water" 意味
  11. "as folks say" 意味
  12. "as follows" 意味
  13. "as for" 意味

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