as greedy as a wolf 意味

  • どん欲な


        greedy as a wolf:    
        greedy:     greedy adj. 欲張りの, 貪欲な. 【副詞】 insatiably greedy 飽くことを知らないほど欲張りな. 【+前置詞】 I try not to be greedy about money. お金に固執しないように努めている be greedy after love しきりに愛を求める She is greedy for
        greedy for:    《be ~》ガツガツしている
        wolf:     1wolf n. オオカミ; (オオカミのように)残忍な人; 飢え. 【動詞+】 hunt wolves オオカミを狩る My salary isn't much, but it keeps the wolf from the door. 私の給料は多くはないが飢えは免れている take on a part-time job to keep the wol
        greedy aspirations:    どん欲な望み
        greedy banker:    どん欲な銀行家{ぎんこうか}
        greedy boy:    ガツガツした少年{しょうねん}
        greedy businessman:    強欲{ごうよく}な実業家{じつぎょうか}
        greedy capitalist:    どん欲な資本家{しほんか}
        greedy eater:    食いしん坊
        greedy for gold:    金に目がない
        greedy for money:    《be ~》金にガツガツする
        greedy for power:    《be ~》権力志向{けんりょく しこう}が強い
        greedy for success:    《be ~》成功{せいこう}したくてたまらない
        greedy for victory:    《be ~》勝利{しょうり}を熱望{ねつぼう}[切望{せつぼう}]する


  1. "as good as wheat" 意味
  2. "as good luck would have it" 意味
  3. "as gooey as glue" 意味
  4. "as graceful as a swan" 意味
  5. "as grave as a judge" 意味
  6. "as green as grass" 意味
  7. "as groucho marx so pithily put it, he didn't want to join a club that would have him as a member" 意味
  8. "as groundless" 意味
  9. "as gruff as a billy goat" 意味
  10. "as graceful as a swan" 意味
  11. "as grave as a judge" 意味
  12. "as green as grass" 意味
  13. "as groucho marx so pithily put it, he didn't want to join a club that would have him as a member" 意味

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