asked to bow out 意味

  • 《be ~》退職{たいしょく}を勧告{かんこく}される


        asked out:    《be ~》招待{しょうたい}される
        asked out to:    《be ~》誘われる
        bow out:    身を引く、退出{たいしゅつ}する、死ぬ If there is another guy chasing her, I think I should bow out gracefully. もし他に彼女を好きな人がいるなら、僕は潔く身を引きます。 How can I bow out gracefully? どうすれば潔く辞退[引き下がることが]できるでしょうか?
        bow out of:    ~から身を引く、~を辞退する、~を断る
        bow oneself out:     bów (onesèlf) óut (1) おじぎをして引き下がる(?|他|3 ). (2) ((略式))〔政治?地位などから〕身を引く〔of〕. (3) (約束?協定したことを)守らない.
        bow oneself out of the room:    一礼して去る
        bow out of an auction:    競売{きょうばい}から手を引く
        bow out of one's candidacy:    立候補{りっこうほ}を辞退{じたい}する
        bow out of the election race:    選挙戦{せんきょ せん}から脱落{だつらく}する
        bow out of the race:    出馬{しゅつば}を辞退{じたい}する
        puffed out bow:    
        puffed-out bow:    太鼓結び{たいこむすび}
        stay out all night with no questions asked:    何も聞かれずに一晩中家{ひとばんじゅう いえ}を空ける
        to be asked to:    to be asked to 言付かる ことづかる
        bow out amid some triumph after:    ~を花道{はなみち}に退陣{たいじん}する


  1. "asked quotation" 意味
  2. "asked rate" 意味
  3. "asked someone's views on" 意味
  4. "asked to be a good company man" 意味
  5. "asked to be present at" 意味
  6. "asked to come up with reorganization and rehabilitation plans" 意味
  7. "asked to compose music for the piano" 意味
  8. "asked to give a speech" 意味
  9. "asked to give the name of" 意味
  10. "asked to be a good company man" 意味
  11. "asked to be present at" 意味
  12. "asked to come up with reorganization and rehabilitation plans" 意味
  13. "asked to compose music for the piano" 意味

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