assistance 意味

発音記号: [ ə'sistəns ]発音を聞く   assistanceの例文


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. first , i need your assistance with my business .
    まず 私は仕事で あなたの援助が必要です
  2. i'm strictly forbidden to offer such assistance .
  3. count klancain , please lend me your assistance .
    力を貸していただき ありがとうございます
  4. and with the assistance of my boy , justin ...
    そして、支援 坊や、ジャスティンについて...
  5. it seems to me as if you might need some assistance .


        by the assistance of:    ~の助けを借りて
        of assistance:    《be ~》助けになる、役に立つ、役立つ、力になる I am sorry that I cannot be of assistance. お役に立てず残念です。
        of assistance to:    《be ~》~の助けになる、~の役に立つ、~に役立つ、~の力になる
        with the assistance of:    ~の助け[援助{えんじょ}]で[により]、~の助けを借りて、~の助力{じょりょく}を受けて、~の後援{こうえん}の下に、~のおかげで、~と協力{きょうりょく}して、~を用いて、~を活用{かつよう}して We'll buy a house with the aid [assistance, help] of a loan. ローンを利用して家を買う予定だ。
        accept assistance:    援助{えんじょ}を受け入れる
        additional assistance:    追加援助{ついか えんじょ}
        adjustment assistance:    調整援助{ちょうせい えんじょ}
        adoption assistance:    養子縁組補助{ようし えんぐみ ほじょ}
        advertising assistance:    宣伝{せんでん}による支援{しえん}
        aged assistance:    老齢扶助{ろうれい ふじょ}
        armed assistance:    武力援助{ぶりょく えんじょ}
        ask for assistance:    《ask for (someone's) assistance》援助{えんじょ}を求める[請う]
        assistance (in a fight):    assistance (in a fight) 助太刀 すけだち
        assistance administrator:    次官{じかん}
        assistance and encouragement:    援助{えんじょ}と激励{げきれい}


  1. "assist with international exchange activities" 意味
  2. "assist with proper positioning" 意味
  3. "assist with the establishment of new businesses" 意味
  4. "assist working couples in their child care" 意味
  5. "assist-control ventilation" 意味
  6. "assistance (in a fight)" 意味
  7. "assistance activities for pregnant women and infants" 意味
  8. "assistance administrator" 意味
  9. "assistance and encouragement" 意味
  10. "assist working couples in their child care" 意味
  11. "assist-control ventilation" 意味
  12. "assistance (in a fight)" 意味
  13. "assistance activities for pregnant women and infants" 意味

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