at a blow she established herself as an authority on the subject
: herself 御自身 ご自身 ごじしん
foremost authority on the subject
: 《the ~》その問題{もんだい}に関する一番{いちばん}の権威者{けんいしゃ}
great authority on that subject
: その道の達人
subject authority card
: subject authority card 件名典拠カード[基礎]
subject authority file
: subject authority file ABC順件名標目表[基礎]
blow strongly against established parties
: 既成政党{きせいせいとう}に強い逆風{ぎゃくふう}が吹く
an authority
: an authority 巨擘 きょはく 権威者 けんいしゃ
cake of an established name
: cake of an established name 銘菓 めいか
demolish an established idea
: 定説を破る
disprove an established theory
: 定説を覆す
firmly-established as an institution
: 《be ~》制度{せいど}として定着{ていちゃく}する
have an established presence in
: ~での存在感{そんざいかん}が確立{かくりつ}している
hold an established position
: 不動{ふどう}の地位{ちい}を保つ
novelist with an established reputation
: ネームバリューのある作家{さっか}
poet with an established reputation
: れっきとした詩人
"at a blank" 意味
"at a blast" 意味
"at a blind tasting of top wines" 意味
"at a blistering speed" 意味
"at a blow" 意味
"at a bound" 意味
"at a breakneck pace" 意味
"at a breakneck speed" 意味
"at a breath" 意味
"at a blistering speed" 意味
"at a blow" 意味
"at a bound" 意味
"at a breakneck pace" 意味
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