on the other hand , shidosen that was to pay for the upkeep of a temple and memorial services was exempt from the decree , even when it was put out at interest . 祠堂銭については寺院の維持・供養などを目的としたものについては、利息付の貸出の場合でも同令の対象外とされていた。
also , they took the place of the ruling-class since ancient times , forced the public into a servile position through suikyo (land lease at interest ) and became dominant local governors of the people . また彼らは古代以来の首長層に替わって、出挙を通じて公民を隷属下に収めていき、地方の人民支配の主体ともなりつつあった。
there were diverse methods of raising funds for the operation , securing food and other supplies for a fuseya , such as owning newly cultivated land , setting aside stipends called fuchi that were attached to official services , and loaning out rice plants at interest in the form of suiko (government loans , often seed rice , made to peasants in japan from the 7th through 12th centuries ). 運営費や食料・物資の調達法は、自ら墾田を持つもの、官吏の扶持を割くもの、出挙としてイネを貸し付け利子で運営するものなどさまざまであった。
kanno is a term covering very wide-ranging concepts , it included the maintenance of irrigation facilities , lend-lease and benefit of seeds and agriculture fees ( " suikyo ," land lease at interest was also included ), the allocation of farm lands , the organization of the agricultural labor , the development of denuded lands , the up-down adjustment of the tax rate , and so on . 勧農は非常に広い概念を有する語であり、例えば、潅漑用水の整備・維持、種子・農料の貸与・給付(出挙もこれに含まれる)、耕地の配分、農業労働力の組織編成、荒廃地の開発、税率の上下調整などが含まれていた。
and interest: 利子付き in the interest of: ~の利益のために、~の利益{りえき}にかなって interest: 1interest n. (1) 興味, 趣味, 感興, 関心(事), おもしろさ; 重要(性). 【動詞+】 The book absorbed my interest. この本に私は夢中になった It acquires additional interest from the fact that…. それは…という事実のためにさらに興味を引く I firinterest in: ~への興味{きょうみ}[関心{かんしん}] interest on: 利付き no interest in: no interest in 不好き ぶすき of interest: 興味{きょうみ}のある、重要{じゅうよう}な This TV program is of interest for those who like dogs. このテレビ番組は、犬好きな人には興味深いものだ。 of interest to: 《be ~》~にとって興味深い{きょうみ ぶかい} What could politicians say that would be of interest to the young? 政治家に若者の興味を引くようなことが言えるんだろうか? of no interest: 興味のない To put it bluntly, human cloning will turn out to be of no interest. 単刀直入[手短か]に言えば、人間のクローニング[複製]は興味を示されないだろう。 of no interest to: ~の関心事{かんしんじ}ではない to interest: to interest 交る 交じる 混じる まじる 交わる まじわる with interest: 興味{きょうみ}をもって She listened with interest to what the teacher said. 先生の言うことを、彼女は興味深く聞いた。 interest on interest: 孫利息 interest calculated on interest accumulated: 複利計算{ふくり けいさん} interest rate and interest: 金利{きんり}?利息関係{りそく かんけい}