at term 意味

発音を聞く:   at termの例文
  • 期限終了時{きげん しゅうりょう じ}に、(特定{とくてい}の)期間{きかん}が終わりになって
    This semester is almost at term. 今学期ももうすぐ終わりだ。


  1. henry , by contrast , is born at term


        a term:    a term 一期 いちご いっき
        a-term:    A-term A項[基礎]
        for a term of:    ~の期間中
        in term:    学期中{がっき ちゅう}
        on term:    定期渡し、定期払い
        term:    1term n. (1) 学期; 期限, 期間; 任期; 満期, 産期. 【動詞+】 complete one's term of office 任期を終了する He had a short term of imprisonment. 少しの間拘禁された impose a jail term (判事が)服役期間を課す The baby didn
        a technical term:    a technical term 専門用語 せんもんようご
        absolute term:    絶対項{ぜったい こう}
        abstract term:    抽象名辞{ちゅうしょう めいじ}、抽象語
        abstruse term:    難解{なんかい}な言葉{ことば}[用語{ようご}?表現{ひょうげん}]
        abusive term:    口汚い言葉{ことば}
        accede to term:    条件に従う
        accounting term:    決算期{けっさんき}
        act term:    アクトターム、口頭試問期
        address term:    呼称{こしょう}


  1. "at teatime" 意味
  2. "at temporary risk of" 意味
  3. "at ten miles an hour" 意味
  4. "at ten months the child begins to experience the power of locomotion. 10" 意味
  5. "at ten o'clock at night" 意味
  6. "at terrific pace" 意味
  7. "at terrific speed" 意味
  8. "at terrific velocity" 意味
  9. "at terrifying pace" 意味
  10. "at ten months the child begins to experience the power of locomotion. 10" 意味
  11. "at ten o'clock at night" 意味
  12. "at terrific pace" 意味
  13. "at terrific speed" 意味

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