at the back of a drawer 意味

  • 引き出しの奥に


        in the back of the drawer:    引き出しの奥に
        drawer:     drawer n. 引き出し. 【動詞+】 clean (out) one's drawers 引き出しを整理する clear (out) the drawers of a desk 机の引き出しの中のものを取りだす close a drawer 引き出しを閉める Thieves emptied all the drawers. 泥棒はあ
        (desk) drawer:    (desk) drawer 抽出し ひきだし
        accommodation drawer:    融通手形振出人
        bang a drawer:    引き出しを力任せに閉める
        bedside drawer:    枕元{まくらもと}の引き出し
        bottom drawer:    最下段の引き出し、嫁入り支度{よめいりじたく}の品、結婚準備品◆【同】hope chest
        box drawer:    箱形引き出し
        bureau drawer:    たんすの引き出し
        cabinet drawer:    キャビネットの引き出し
        cash drawer:    引き出し
        cash in drawer:    cash in drawer 現金在高[機械]〈97確B0115:電子式金銭登録機用語〉
        center drawer:    中央引き出し
        check drawer:    小切手振出人{こぎって ふりだしにん}
        chest of drawer:    chest of drawer たんす[機械]〈98F0015:造船用語―船体―内ぎ装〉


  1. "at the atomic level" 意味
  2. "at the auction there was intense bidding for carot's picture, “orpheus and eurydice." 意味
  3. "at the back" 意味
  4. "at the back entrance" 意味
  5. "at the back of" 意味
  6. "at the back of a queue" 意味
  7. "at the back of one's mind" 意味
  8. "at the back of the body" 意味
  9. "at the back of the book" 意味
  10. "at the back entrance" 意味
  11. "at the back of" 意味
  12. "at the back of a queue" 意味
  13. "at the back of one's mind" 意味

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