at the conclusion of the contest 意味

  • 競技{きょうぎ}の終わりに


        be no contest:     be nó cóntest (一方が強過ぎて)勝負にならない.
        contest:     1contest n. 競争, 競技, コンテスト, コンクール; 争い, 闘争; 論争. 【動詞+】 The signal that begins and ends the contest is a whistle. 競技の始めと終わりの合図は笛だ conduct a contest 競技を行なう His better sales record deci
        contest with:    ~と争う
        in a contest for:    ~を目指して争って
        no contest:    {1} : 《格闘技》ノー?コンテスト、無効試合{むこう しあい} This title match ends in no contest. タイトル戦は無効試合[ノー?コンテスト]に終わった。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 不抗争{ふ こうそう}の答
        will contest:    《法律》遺言訴訟{ゆいごん そしょう}
        at the conclusion:    終わりに(あたり)
        at the conclusion of:    ~の終わりに(あたり)
        conclusion:     conclusion n. 結論; 断定; 終結. 【動詞+】 accept sb's conclusions 人の出した結論を受け入れる My Government accepts the conclusions of the committee in their entirety. わが政府はその委員会の出した結論をそっくりそのまま受け入れます The
        in conclusion:    最後{さいご}に、要するに In conclusion, I would like to thank you all for your attention today. 最後に、本日はお集まりいただき、誠にありがとうございました。
        abandonment of contest:    争いの放棄{ほうき}
        acceleration contest:    加速競争{かそく きょうそう}
        athletic contest:    運動競技会{うんどう きょうぎかい}
        baby contest:    赤ちゃんコンテスト
        beauty contest:    beauty contest ビューティーコンテスト


  1. "at the completion of the contract" 意味
  2. "at the completion of the work" 意味
  3. "at the conclusion" 意味
  4. "at the conclusion of" 意味
  5. "at the conclusion of the ceremony" 意味
  6. "at the conclusion of the paper mr. sexton took the floor" 意味
  7. "at the conductor's whistle the engineer started his locomotive" 意味
  8. "at the conference she put forward a different scenario" 意味
  9. "at the confluence of the two rivers" 意味
  10. "at the conclusion of" 意味
  11. "at the conclusion of the ceremony" 意味
  12. "at the conclusion of the paper mr. sexton took the floor" 意味
  13. "at the conductor's whistle the engineer started his locomotive" 意味

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