at the conclusion of this talk . とても悲しいものも見せなくてはなりません
at the conclusion of a deal , a ceremonial hand-clapping is energetically performed . 商談が成立すると威勢よく手締めが打たれる。
at the conclusion of the statement , the president will answer a limited number of questions . 声明の後で 質問にお答えいたします
naorai is an event that is held at the conclusion of a festival at the shrine where everyone who assembled for the shinto ritual is made to drink sacred sake and eat the sacred food (a ritual to share drink and food ). 直会(なおらい)とは、神社に於ける祭の最後に、神事に参加したもの一同で神酒を戴き神饌を食する行事(共飲共食儀礼)である。
shinobu orikuchi stated a theory that ' naorai ' would refer to the ritual to worship the naobi no kami (god of purification ) at the conclusion of a ceremony , as an apology for any offences committed during the ceremony . 折口信夫は、「なおらい」は直日神を祀る神事であり、神祭が終わった後に、直日神を祀って神祭での過ちを正すのだという説を唱えている。