at the confluence of the two rivers 意味

  • その 2 つの川の合流地点に


        two rivers:    {地名} : ツーリバーズ
        junction of two rivers:    二つの川の合流点{ごうりゅう てん}
        meeting of two rivers:    2本の川の合流点{ごうりゅう てん}
        confluence:     confluence n. 合流. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a fortunate confluence of circumstances さまざまの事情が幸運な形で寄り集まったこと. 【前置詞+】 at the confluence of the two rivers その 2 つの川の合流地点に The town rose near the conflu
        point where the two rivers meet:    ふたつの川が合流{ごうりゅう}する地点{ちてん}
        village nestled between the two rivers:    2本の川に挟まれた村
        rivers:    rivers 河川 かせん
        confluence analysis:    合流分析{ごうりゅう ぶんせき}
        confluence of river:    合流点{ごうりゅう てん}
        confluence of sinus:    静脈洞交会{じょうみゃくどう きょうかい}
        confluence of sinuses:    静脈洞交会{じょうみゃく どうこうかい}
        bountiful rivers:    豊かな川
        broaden rivers:    川を拡幅{かくふく}する
        by the rivers of babylon:    離れた故郷{こきょう}を痛切{つうせつ}に思い出すときなどに使われる旧約聖書{きゅうやく せいしょ}「詩編{しへん}」からの引用{いんよう}◆ユダヤ人のバビロン捕囚より
        cleanup of rivers:    河川清掃{かせん せいそう}


  1. "at the conclusion of the ceremony" 意味
  2. "at the conclusion of the contest" 意味
  3. "at the conclusion of the paper mr. sexton took the floor" 意味
  4. "at the conductor's whistle the engineer started his locomotive" 意味
  5. "at the conference she put forward a different scenario" 意味
  6. "at the construction site of the building" 意味
  7. "at the consumer end of the distribution system" 意味
  8. "at the controls" 意味
  9. "at the controls of the plane" 意味
  10. "at the conductor's whistle the engineer started his locomotive" 意味
  11. "at the conference she put forward a different scenario" 意味
  12. "at the construction site of the building" 意味
  13. "at the consumer end of the distribution system" 意味

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