in the midst of this campaign , his uncle noriyuki ouchi , at the instigation of the shoni and hosokawa clans , raised a rebellion in shimonoseki and masahiro sent hiromori sue back to put it down . そのさなか、1470年(文明 (日本)元年)に少弐氏、細川氏らに使嗾された叔父大内教幸が下関で謀反を起こし、政弘は討伐のために陶弘護を帰国させる。
in the midst of this campaign , his uncle noriyuki ouchi , at the instigation of the shoni and hosokawa clans , raised a rebellion in shimonoseki and masahiro sent hiromori sue back to put it down . そのさなか、1470年(文明 (日本)元年)に少弐氏、細川氏らに使嗾された叔父大内教幸が下関で謀反を起こし、政弘は討伐のために陶弘護を帰国させる。
the uprising became large-scale at the instigation of masamune date , and the kimura clan was not able to quell the uprising on their own in the end , and therefore was punished by being deprived of their fief after the war . 一揆は伊達政宗の煽動もあって大規模化し、木村氏は結局独力では一揆を鎮圧できず、戦後改易された。