at the instigation of 意味

発音を聞く:   at the instigation ofの例文
  • ~に唆{そそのか}されて、~の扇動で


  1. in the midst of this campaign , his uncle noriyuki ouchi , at the instigation of the shoni and hosokawa clans , raised a rebellion in shimonoseki and masahiro sent hiromori sue back to put it down .
    そのさなか、1470年(文明 (日本)元年)に少弐氏、細川氏らに使嗾された叔父大内教幸が下関で謀反を起こし、政弘は討伐のために陶弘護を帰国させる。
  2. in the midst of this campaign , his uncle noriyuki ouchi , at the instigation of the shoni and hosokawa clans , raised a rebellion in shimonoseki and masahiro sent hiromori sue back to put it down .
    そのさなか、1470年(文明 (日本)元年)に少弐氏、細川氏らに使嗾された叔父大内教幸が下関で謀反を起こし、政弘は討伐のために陶弘護を帰国させる。
  3. the uprising became large-scale at the instigation of masamune date , and the kimura clan was not able to quell the uprising on their own in the end , and therefore was punished by being deprived of their fief after the war .



  1. "at the instance of" 意味
  2. "at the instance of local government" 意味
  3. "at the instance of one of our most valued customers" 意味
  4. "at the instant" 意味
  5. "at the instant of" 意味
  6. "at the instruction of one's regulator" 意味
  7. "at the interface" 意味
  8. "at the intersection of major trade routes" 意味
  9. "at the interval" 意味
  10. "at the instant" 意味
  11. "at the instant of" 意味
  12. "at the instruction of one's regulator" 意味
  13. "at the interface" 意味

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