at the showing of 意味

  • ~の時は


        on this showing:    この調子{ちょうし}でいくと
        showing:     showing n. 展示(会), 上演; 示すこと; 申し立て; 成績. 【動詞+】 attend a small, in-house showing 社内の小規模な展示会に出る give a fine showing 立派な成績をあげる hold at least 45 showings a year for private clients 1 年
        actual showing:    実績{じっせき}、業績{ぎょうせき}
        brilliant showing:    立派{りっぱ}な成績{せいせき}
        claws are showing:    怒り[しっと心]をあらわにする It seems like your claws are showing to him. 彼への敵愾心が見え見えなんだけど
        dismal showing:    惨めな成績{せいせき}
        film showing:    映画上映{えいが じょうえい}
        first showing:    first showing 封切り ふうきり
        full showing:    十分な掲示
        gas showing:    gas showing ガス徴[地球]
        good showing:    上々{じょうじょう}の成績{せいせき}、活躍{かつやく}
        graph showing:    ~を示したグラフ
        impressive showing:    大きな成果{せいか}
        maps showing:    ~を示す地図
        matinee showing:    昼間{ひるま}の上映{じょうえい}


  1. "at the second attempt" 意味
  2. "at the seller's option" 意味
  3. "at the service of" 意味
  4. "at the setout" 意味
  5. "at the shop" 意味
  6. "at the side of a river" 意味
  7. "at the side of the pool" 意味
  8. "at the side of the road" 意味
  9. "at the sight of" 意味
  10. "at the setout" 意味
  11. "at the shop" 意味
  12. "at the side of a river" 意味
  13. "at the side of the pool" 意味

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