atmospheric boundary layer 意味

発音を聞く:   atmospheric boundary layerの例文
  • 大気境界層{たいき きょうかいそう}


  1. in these areas , the atmosphere under 500 m to 2 km above the ground is called the atmospheric boundary layer , and the air flow there is complicated .
    この付近の上空500m - 2kmより下の大気は大気境界層といい、空気の流れが複雑な層である。



  1. "atmospheric area" 意味
  2. "atmospheric attenuation" 意味
  3. "atmospheric background" 意味
  4. "atmospheric band" 意味
  5. "atmospheric boil" 意味
  6. "atmospheric braking" 意味
  7. "atmospheric brazing" 意味
  8. "atmospheric burner" 意味
  9. "atmospheric carbon dioxide" 意味
  10. "atmospheric band" 意味
  11. "atmospheric boil" 意味
  12. "atmospheric braking" 意味
  13. "atmospheric brazing" 意味

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