- 《be ~》地域経済{ちいき けいざい}の停滞{ていたい}に原因{げんいん}がある
attributable to the sagging local economies 意味
- "attributable to one spouse" 意味
- "attributable to the deficiency of" 意味
- "attributable to the increased level of education of" 意味
- "attributable to the lack of" 意味
- "attributable to the presence of" 意味
- "attribute" 意味
- "attribute (the) authorship to" 意味
- "attribute a disability to psychological causes" 意味
- "attribute a sequence number (packet, message...)" 意味
- "attributable to the lack of" 意味
- "attributable to the presence of" 意味
- "attribute" 意味
- "attribute (the) authorship to" 意味