- direct contact between A and B
直接連絡を取る 1: make direct contact with〔人と〕 直接連絡を取る 2 contact someone directly〔人に〕
件で(人)に直接連絡を取る: get in touch with someone directly about〔~の〕
製造者に直接連絡を取る: contact the manufacturer directly
直接連絡を受ける: receive direct contact from〔人から〕
連絡を取る: 連絡を取る れんらくをとる to get in touch with
その会社と直接連絡を取り合う: communicate directly with the company
会員が連絡を取ることができる仲人: matchmaker that the members can get in contact with
会員が連絡を取ることができる仲介役: matchmaker that the members can get in contact with
~が…と連絡を取ることを禁じる: bar ~ from communicating with
~が…と連絡を取ることを禁止する: bar ~ from communicating with
~と連絡を取ることを一切禁じる: forbid someone to have any sort of contact with〔人が〕
~と連絡を取ることを一切禁止する: forbid someone to have any sort of contact with〔人が〕
連絡を取る 1: 1. be in contact 2. establish one's contact with 3. get in touch 4. get through 連絡を取る 2 【他動】 contact 連絡を取る 3 1. communicate with 2. get a hold of 3. get in contact with 4. get in touch with 5. g
会員が連絡を取ることができるマッチメーカー: matchmaker that the members can get in contact with
友人と連絡を取る: keep in touch with a friend at〔~にいる〕