これら二つのグループの類似点と相違点を知る: be aware of both the similarities and difference between these two groups aとbの相違点について話し合う: talk over the differences between これら二つのグループの類似点と相違点の両方を知る: be aware of both the similarities and difference between these two groups これら二つのグループの類似点と相違点の両方を認識する: be aware of both the similarities and difference between these two groups これら二つのグループの類似点と相違点の両方を頭に入れる: be aware of both the similarities and difference between these two groups これら二つのグループの類似点と相違点を認識する: be aware of both the similarities and difference between these two groups これら二つのグループの類似点と相違点を頭に入れる: be aware of both the similarities and difference between these two groups 両者の相違点: difference between the two people〔しばしば複数形 differences で〕 xとyの相違点は何ですか?: What are the differences between X and Y? aとbの基本的な相違点を説明する: explain the basic difference between ~間の相違点を示す: show someone the difference between〔人に〕 その2人の人間の相違点: difference between the two people〔しばしば複数形 differences で〕 相違点: 相違点 そういてん (points of) difference 類似点: 類似点 るいじてん points of similarity aとbの間にとてもたくさんの類似点があることに気付く: find so many similarities between