bを通ってaに入る: enter A through B aを通ってbへ入る: pass through A and escape into B 通って…に入る: walk across ~ into〔~を〕 のどを通って一連の経路の中に入る: pass through the throat into a series of channels 輪状筋を通って食道から胃に入る: enter the stomach from the esophagus [oesophagus] by passing through a ring-shaped muscle〔食物が〕 aを通ってbに行く: pass through A to B aを通ってbへ行く: pass through A to B aとbの頂点を通って: through the summits of A and B aを通ってbに分布する: pass through A to supply B〔神経などが〕 aを通ってbに達する瘻孔: opening from A into B aを通ってb内に通路を作る: construct a passageway through A into B aを通ってb内へ通路を作る: construct a passageway through A into B 幽門括約筋を通って小腸が消化できる量で十二指腸に入る: enter the duodenum through the pyloric sphincter in amounts that the small intestine can digest〔食物が〕 孔を通って: through an opening in〔~の〕 穴を通って: through a hole in〔~の〕